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6 min read / 22 December 2022 / Laura Garvin Gomez

5 Ways to Use Rosemary for Hair Growth

This common garden herb is nature's answer to haircare - here's how to use it.

It can be frustrating when you're met with stubborn hair that just won't grow fast enough.

Whether you're trying to shift away from a mistakenly planned bob, replenish a thinning crown of locks, or simply encouraging your hair to actually cooperate with you, there's a chance we've all made a trip to the internet at some stage looking for the next quick fix.

Essential oils have taken the forefront of this exploration, proving themselves among scientists and users alike to be just as effective as the products on the market - without the harmful toxins to boot.

Rosemary essential oil in particular has shone brightly for its seemingly unlimited benefits toward hair growth, thickness, and health, and is far easier to incorporate into your routine than you might think.

We'll be exploring the top five most effective methods for using rosemary oil in your hair, as well as focusing on how this little garden herb can become your next beauty staple.

Rosemary Illustration

Benefits of rosemary oil for hair

As with any new beauty product, natural or otherwise, it's likely we'll be seeking answers on what they're actually good for before we plan on using them.

Rosemary oil contains many strong benefits that span beyond hair care - such as improving memory recall and relieving pain - but those associated with our locks are what makes this common kitchen ingredient so famous in its own right.

Rosemary can help with:

  • Growth
  • Thickness
  • Prevention of hair loss
  • Darkening greys
  • Healing the scalp

The primary source for rosemary's power in hair care is the effect it has on our blood circulation.


According to a , inhaling or topically applying rosemary oil is said to increase both our heart rate and our respiratory rate at once.

This gradual increase then helps to stimulate blood flow around the body, encouraging our bodies to awaken themselves from within and create a sounder environment for wellness.

Blood circulation has a direct effect on our scalps and hair follicles, and thus using rosemary in this way can not only motivate them to work quicker, but also leave us with progressively shinier, fuller locks.

Rosemary oil has also been said to prevent hair loss in the same way, largely due to the improvements it creates to the scalp.

Those with thinning hair can use rosemary oil for hair to reproduce the same potent effects as that of the common hair regrowth treatment minoxidil, which was proven after a measured the effects of both over a six month period in 2015.

Learn more about the benefits of rosemary oil for hair.

Rosemary herbs and oil on a black table.

How to use rosemary oil for hair growth

As with all essential oils, it is always important to dilute your rosemary oil in some way before applying it to your hair.

It's also a good idea to perform a patch test on your skin if you've never used rosemary before - just to ensure your body doesn't negatively react to it.

Each of these methods will touch upon how you can incorporate rosemary oil into your routine at home, as well as which may suit you best depending on your needs.

1) Make a hair mask

Perhaps the easiest and most popular way to apply rosemary for hair growth is by creating your own DIY hair mask.

This is simpler than it sounds - all you need to do is combine a few drops of rosemary oil (refer to our dilution guide for the best way to do this) with a moisturising carrier oil and smooth all over your scalp.

Argan and jojoba are the most popular options for hair care due to their particularly nourishing benefits on the scalp, but any carrier oil will work as long as you're happy with how it feels on your hair.

A rosemary hair mask should generally be left in for at least half an hour to feel the full effects of the oil, with many people opting for 2-3 hours if they have the time to do so.

Alternatively, you can choose to leave your hair mask to soak overnight for the most sure-fire results. Be sure to wrap a towel or net around your head to prevent the oils from transferring on soft furnishings.

If you're thinking of adding an extra layer of indulgence to your mask, you can also include other natural ingredients like ripe bananas, honey, and oats to really pack in the nourishing benefits.

You can find out how to include these additions in your hair mask here.

This method can be done every day or as often as you feel you need it, though most sources recommend applying the mask at least three times a week for the quickest results.

2) Rinse with rosemary water

After applying your hair mask, you may want to safeguard its efficiency by rinsing it out using rosemary-infused water.

Incorporating rosemary water for hair growth is perhaps less common than simply applying the oil by itself, but its effects have proven worthy amongst past users as an additional layer of wellness.

Rosemary water is made in virtually the same way as brewing a cup of tea:

  • Boil some water and add a few sprigs of fresh rosemary to it
  • Allow it to brew for 15-30mins and then drain the leaves
  • Use the rosemary-infused water to rinse out your mask as normal
  • Be sure to NOT re-rinse your hair thereafter with regular water (or it will lose its effect!)

These rinses can, as with the hair masks, be done as often or as infrequently as you like, and can even function as a swift top-up between more deeply cleansing treatments.

Woman combing through her ginger hair.

3) Add to your shampoo or conditioner

Another great way to use rosemary oil for hair growth is adding it to your shampoo or conditioner.

If you prefer a fuss-free approach to hair care, or if you don't have time to wait around for a hair mask, this may be the method for you.

Just as it sounds, this technique involves nothing more than sprinkling 10-12 drops of rosemary oil to your existing shampoo or conditioner, and shaking well.

You can then proceed to apply your regular hair care products as normal.

While it may not be as effective as other alternatives on this list, the presence of rosemary will still be able to positively impact your scalp, and thus produce successful results before long.

For best results, it's recommended to perform this method every couple of days, or as part of your normal hair washing routine.

4) Create a DIY treatment spray

For those with curly hair, you'll know just how important it is to add a little bit of extra moisture to your ringlets now and then.

This method can provide just that, while still implementing all of the necessary benefits for your desired hair growth.

Here's what you'll need:

  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/4 cup witch hazel
  • 1/4 cup rosewater
  • 1 tbsp Epsom salt
  • 1 tsp sea salt flakes
  • 8-10 drops of rosemary essential oil

Add all of your ingredients to a pan and heat gently until the salts are dissolved. Be sure not to let the water come to a boil!

Then, decant the mixture into a spray bottle and spritz liberally onto damp hair.

Unlike the other methods on this list, it's not recommended to perform this treatment more than 2 times a week, as the salts will end up drying your hair with excessive use.

Discover the complete break-down on how to make a curl spray at home.

5) Combine rosemary with other essential oils

Rosemary oil is not the only option available when it comes to your hair - other oils like lavender, sage, and peppermint have also been renowned in recent years for their hair-boosting effects.

Sage in particular, when combined with rosemary, has been said to help darken grey hairs due to its ability to bind with hair proteins and increase natural levels of pigmentation.

If you've never blended essential oils before, our in-depth blending guide can help set you in the right direction.

From there, all you have to do is select your favourite method from above and apply as suggested.

Sun Icon

Introducing a new product into your routine will always come with its share of uncertainties, and it may take a while for your efforts to truly be noticed with frequent application.

What can be assured is that your hair will thank you for your care, and in time reward you with the long, luscious locks you've been desiring.

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The content in this article is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended to take the place of medical advice. Please consult your personal physician for any advice or treatment regarding specific health questions. Neither the article editor, writer, nor the organisation of Nikura takes any responsibility for possible health consequences following the information given in any article. All readers should consult their physician before taking any advice given within these articles.

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